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  • Harry Creighton footage

    Once a Star

  • Dennis Hull #3

    Dennis Hull #3

    Another part of an interview with Dennis Hull, brother of legendary Chicago Blackhawks player Bobby Hull, and a renowned player in his own right. With anecdotes and stories from his time in the NHL, Hull talks about the conduct of modern hockey players, his family, and answers the controversial question, “Which of the Hulls has a harder slap shot?”

  • Veeck: a man for any season rough edit

    Veeck: a man for any season rough edit

    An early edit of a documentary about Bill Veeck, the former owner of several baseball teams including the Chicago White Sox and Cleveland Indians. It follows his career highlights, his life, and his thoughts. Veeck was a unique showman and entrepreneur responsible for many baseball innovations, including fan appreciation days and “give aways.” 

  • Cubs game

    Playoffs 2 of 3

  • Sox ‘ 84

    Lamar Hoyt vs. KC

  • Only the Ball Was White

    Only the Ball Was White

    A documentary about the Negro Baseball Leagues of the early to mid twentieth century. A slew of Hall of Fame African-American players are interviewed, showcasing the triumphs, trials, and tribulations of black baseball. Narrated by Paul Winfield.

  • [Once a Star raw: Phoenix, Arizona #1]

    [Once a Star raw: Phoenix, Arizona #1]

    This tape features raw footage shot for the television series “Once A Star.” The tape covers a banquet held for the 1969 Chicago Cubs and New York Mets. The two teams were participating in a “Dream Game” in Phoenix, AZ in 1986.

  • [Once a Star raw: NBA Legends #7 Dallas]

    [Once a Star raw: NBA Legends #7 Dallas]

    Raw footage for the 1986 television special “Once a Star.” Footage from the 1986 NBA Legends basketball game during the All-Star Weekend.

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