Home » International » Television Serrana

  • Video Carta a Bread and Roses High School, Nueva York

    Video Carta a Bread and Roses High School, Nueva York

    This piece by Television Serrana of Cuba is a video letter to the high school students of Bread and Roses High School in New York. It chronicles a group of professional documentary filmmakers in Cuba who came from poor farming communities in the mountains. These filmmakers had the opportunity to study their profession as a result of a program in Cuba called “Centro de Estudios para la Comunicacion Comunitaria.” This team has returned to the mountain villages to share some of their experiences with young people and to seek out talent for the next generation of filmmakers in Cuba. This piece is in Spanish with no subtitles.

  • La Vuelta

    La Vuelta

    This documentary by Cuban filmmaker Ariagna Fajardo features interviews with men and women who produce bricks manually by hand, along with scenes of them at work. This piece is in Spanish with no subtitles.

  • Barrio Nuevo

    Barrio Nuevo

    This documentary by Cuban filmmaker Rigoberto Jimenez depicts the Cuban mountain village of “Barrio Nuevo,” a project that never fully came to fruition. Several farmers and women from the area are interviewed. They describe their lives, the joys and challenges of living a rural life in the mountains of Cuba. Between each clip with a resident, sights and sounds of the area are beautifully depicted. This film is in Spanish with no subtitles.

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