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  • Image Union, episode 0626

    Image Union, episode 0626

    The episode of Image Union features the documentary “Information Withheld” by Juan Downey. The documentary focuses on signs and symbols used around the world.

  • Time Out, episode 120

    Time Out, episode 120

    This tape features a 1984 episode of “Time Out,” a weekly sports program that is hosted by a number of Chicago area journalists and sportscasters. This week’s commentators are John Schulian of the Chicago Sun-Times, Kenny McReynolds, a WBMX Sportscaster and Assistant Coach for DePaul University’s Men’s Basketball team, WIND reporter Fran Spielman, and John Mengelt, broadcaster and NBA veteran.

  • Time Out, episode 139

    Time Out, episode 139

    This tape features a 1984 episode of “Time Out,” a weekly sports program that was hosted by a number of Chicago area journalists and sportscasters. This week’s commentators are: Sports Illustrated writer Rick Telander, WBMX Sportscaster and Assistant Coach for DePaul University’s Men’s Basketball team Kenny McReynolds, WIND reporter Fran Spielman, and former NBA star John Mengelt.

  • CamNet, episode 502

    CamNet, episode 502

    Two hour cable program produced by Nancy Cain and friends in L.A. in the mid-90s.

  • [Wired In raw #85: Apple #2]

    [Wired In raw #85: Apple #2]

    Raw footage for “Wired In,” a never completed series on the technological trends and innovations of the 1980s. In this video, we watch as a number of Apple employees continue to talk about the layout of the Apple manual for their desktop computers entitled, “A Personal Guide to Person Computers.” Advertising Manager Henry Whitfield, Editorial Services Manager Monte Lorenzet, Graphic Designer Russell Leong, and Editorial Services Writer Pete Lundstrom talk about the book in great detail. Apple #2.

  • [Full Circle raw #14]

    [Full Circle raw #14]

    Raw footage from the feminist-oriented event organized by Suzanne Lacy. Important women from around the country convene for a dinner and videotaped conversation. Airport pickups: Johnnetta Cole pt 2, Anita Hill pt 1.

  • Fats #2

    Fats #2

    In this segment of an interview with Rudolf “Minnesota Fats” Wanderone, the revered pool player reflects on some of the more personal details of his career. Discussing his beginnings as a 7 year old pool player, his personal relationships with celebrities, and his input on the 1961 film, “The Hustler”, Fats gives insight into an adventurous (if unconventional) life as a pool legend.

  • Finley #3

    Finley #3

    This tape is comprised partly of b-roll and partly of an interview with venerable Oakland A’s owner Charlie Finley. In the first half, Finley gives a tour of his “press box”, which is situated at the very top of his barn-turned-house in LaPorte, Indiana. The second half is an interview with Finley where he gives a bit of background on his adolescence and discusses his ascendance career-wise from steel mill worker to the owner of a championship baseball team.

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