[Chicago Slices raw : Chicago Mercantile Exchange]

Raw footage shot for the TV program Chicago Slices. This tape features Gordon McClendon, a currency trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, at work on the trading floor.

00:00Copy video clip URL External shots of downtown Chicago at night.

02:00Copy video clip URL Gordon McClendon talks about his job as a currency trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. He explains the different jacket colors worn by people there.

06:45Copy video clip URL Entering the trading floor, people mill about and talk loudly. McClendon leads us around the floor and explains various roles of employees and processes within trading.

15:39Copy video clip URL Trading begins and the crowd on the floor becomes much more animated and loud. Many people flash each other hand signals to save time. Gordon explains more aspects of trading.

29:08Copy video clip URL A bell is rung to signal the end of that round of trading. Then Gordon continues speaking about world monetary exchange and how he got involved in trading.

55:00Copy video clip URL Some footage of traders communicating back and forth with hand signals.

1:02:47Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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