[Howard Zinn raw #86: Jay Craven is interviewed on how Zinn impacted his life]

Jay Craven shares the story of how he encountered Howard Zinn, and the impact Zinn had on his life.

00:30Copy video clip URL No video, but the audio track records a couple people setting up the camera and audio.

01:10Copy video clip URL The video opens on Jay Craven, who discusses the technicalities of the camera pointed at him with the filmmakers behind the lens. He leans over, preparing himself to speak.

02:20Copy video clip URL Craven speaks about his “first encounter with Howard” Zinn, which he says was on the first day of his freshman year at Boston University. It was at the BU chapel, he says, where protestors were giving sanctuary to a private who had gone AWOL from a Boston-area military base. He talks about the constant speeches and activity in the area while the man stayed there. Craven points out how instrumental Zinn was to the management of the situation.

03:20Copy video clip URL Craven describes how he then took Zinn’s classes and became something of a protégé to the man. When he travelled to Vietnam some years later, he says that Zinn helped to raise money from faculty to support the trip.

03:55Copy video clip URL Craven reiterates the same story a few times, doing several takes of the story of his meeting and interacting with Zinn.

04:50Copy video clip URL Craven speaks with somebody off-camera, telling them to stay outside for ten or so minutes, before continuing with another take of his story. He emphasizes how spellbinding Zinn was whenever he spoke during the Vietnam War.

06:45Copy video clip URL Craven begins yet another take, again simply reiterating the same story. This time he emphasizes how inspiring it was to see a faculty member connecting with students on an issue as important as this one. Craven then continues with a couple more takes of this same story.

09:20Copy video clip URL Craven finishes a good take, then asks whether he should do just one more for the road — which he proceeds to do. He notes that he himself spoke during the activities surrounding the sanctuary.

10:55Copy video clip URL Craven finishes a last take, and the film cuts.

11:15Copy video clip URL The video and audio goes dark.

11:25Copy video clip URL The film ends.



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