Home » Communities » Latinx (Page 11)

  • [#4 At School]

    [#4 At School]

    Puerto Rican Nationalists visit a conference in Chicago in honor of their actions, supporters group leaders speak to demonstrate their support.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: School Board]

    [Chicago Slices raw: School Board]

    KEVIN LAMM, local school board president: Interview about local school board responsibilities, special programs, hopes and dreams for the future. Visit the School Board Meeting, and meet the other members at Brentano School in Logan Square/Avondale.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Cuba Caravan #1]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Cuba Caravan #1]

    CUBA CARAVAN: Organized protest against the blockade of Cuba by the U.S. Volunteers drive trucks from cities in U.S. to Mexico border then to port for boat to Cuba. Interviews with ERIC HAHN, HARALD HAHN, REYNALDO ACOSTA, Caravan Organizer REVEREND LUCIUS WALKER, GISELA and GILDA LOPEZ, JOHN VOTAVA, performances by RAMONE MARINO and JOSE DAVID. Caravan volunteers in Roscoe Village disassemble bicycles, and package up aid to go to Cuba. Then to St. Pious Church in Pilsen for the Caravan send off, dinner, performances, Loading up the trucks. Anecdote by ERIC HAHN about meeting FIDEL CASTRO. Mostly in Spanish.

  • [Puerto Rican Independence Movement Saturday Workshops in Chicago #1]

    [Puerto Rican Independence Movement Saturday Workshops in Chicago #1]

    A Saturday workshop conference held in Chicago for the Puerto Rican Independence Movement, followed by a brief excerpt of footage of a young children’s classroom.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: CTA graffiti contest]

    [Chicago Slices raw: CTA graffiti contest]

    Raw footage for “Chicago Slices,” a series about everyday life in Chicago. This video features interviews with graffiti artists Anthony Lewellen, Chris Silva, Jesus Rodriquez, Castillo Perez, and Greg Penrice. These five young men created a large mural called “Uriginal Flavor” as part of a contest sponsored by the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA). They display their artwork, which was chosen as the winning piece, in Logan Square and meet with media representatives at the press conference highlighting the contest. They discuss their artwork, the meaning behind it, techniques they use, and the process of creating graffiti art.

  • [Inside Spring Training raw #30]

    [Inside Spring Training raw #30]

    Raw footage from the documentary “Inside Spring Training,” a look at the 1978 Chicago White Sox in the pre-season. Bus to St. Pete #2.

  • Chicago Tonight: Taxes, episode 2147

    Chicago Tonight: Taxes, episode 2147

    This episode of Chicago tonight features an interview with former Chicago police chief Richard Brzeczek, as well as a story on a proposed new law limiting tax deductions on charitable donations.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Cuba Caravan #2]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Cuba Caravan #2]

    CUBA CARAVAN (con’t). A group of Chicago natives put together a number of supplies to smuggle past the embargo to the Cuban people. There is a brief anecdote by one of the leaders about meeting Fidel Castro.

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