Anda Korsts

Description: Anda Korsts was a Chicago based video artist and journalist. She was the founder of Videopolis, Chicago’s first alternative video space, and worked with TVTV (Top Value Television), a national video collective dedicated to producing accurate, often revelatory, content. This collection contains video from Videopolis’ program, It’s a Living, based on Studs Terkel’s book Working, which focuses on workers in Chicago. This collection also contains footage from her work videoing theater production and performances, including the Artaud Project, a video and performance tribute to the French playwright, performer, and poet, Antonin Artaud.

Our complete collection of Anda’s work can be found here.

Subjects: Videopolis, Independent Video, Performance Art, Theater, Chicago Arts, Artaud, Work and Labor

Dates: 1971-1982

Selected Videography:

The Artaud Project

It’s a Living


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