Andrew Jones

Andrew Jones

Description: This collection features the documentary work of Andrew Jones. Jones’s work often focused on local and national political protests, issues of human rights, global race relations and often displayed the value of grassroots organisation. His films were featured on the 90’s, the prominent alternative broadcasting and documentary television show known for pioneering and incorporating of-the-time technologies such as handheld cameras. Featuring inspirational figures such as Nelson Mandela, this collection is perhaps one of our most international: Jones’s work took him from Myanmar to the South Side of Chicago. Footage spans democratic uprisings in Myanmar to the Democratic primary that led to the election of President Bill Clinton to the fight against apartheid in South Africa

Our complete collection of Andrew’s work can be found here.

Subjects: Myanmar, Activism, African American Communities, Democracy, South Side, Chicago, New York City, Communities, The 90s, Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Chicago Slices, Musicians

Dates: 1989-2004

Selected Videography: 

LA Riots

Nelson Mandela and South Africa


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