Pursuit of Happiness press and promotional materials
Press releases, promotional materials, and reviews for the movie Pursuit of Happiness, directed by Julie Gustafson and John Reilly.
Press releases, promotional materials, and reviews for the movie Pursuit of Happiness, directed by Julie Gustafson and John Reilly.
Press releases, promotional materials, and reviews for the movie Joe Albert’s Fox Hunt and Other Stories from the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, directed by Julie Gustafson and John Reilly.
Press releases, promotional material, and reviews for the movie Home: A Documentary About Four Families, directed by Julie Gustafson and John Reilly.
Press releases, promotional material, and reviews for the movie Giving Birth: Four Portraits, by Julie Gustafson and John Reilly.
00:09 Joe Albert and a friend wait for his dogs to start the fox hunt, making small talk. 07:09 The dogs return, having been unsuccessful, and Albert gets back in his truck. The dog runs ahead of the truck as Albert slowly drives up the dirt road. 15:24 Albert gets out to let his dogs run through the woods. The videomakers wait in the truck. Albert and his dogs return empty handed. 17:45 Albert talks about the drainage system in […]
A musical performance by Appalachian folk band The Pineconers, recorded for the documentary Joe Albert’s Fox Hunt and Other Stories from the Pine Barrens of New Jersey.
Raw footage of an interview with anthropologist Margaret Mead for the documentary Giving Birth: Four Portraits.
Videomakers John Reilly and Julie Gustafson recording clean readings of questions asked of Margaret Mead during the interview conducted for the documentary Giving Birth: Four Portraits.