Home » Posts tagged 'Disability Rights'

  • Beyond Disability: The FeFe Stories

    Beyond Disability: The FeFe Stories

    The Empowered Fe Fes (slang for female), a group of young women with disabilities, hit the streets of Chicago on a quest to discover the difference between how they see themselves and how others see them. Their revelations are humorous, thought provoking and surprising. As the young women grapple with issues as diverse as access, education, employment, sexuality and growing up with disabilities, they address their audience with a sense of urgency, as if to say, “I need to tell you so you’ll see me differently.” See http://beyondmedia.org for more information.

  • Crip-Trips


    Brief portraits of disabled individuals living independently. They discuss their everyday lives and the mistaken assumptions that able-bodied people make about how they live.

  • Why They Gotta Do Me Like That?

    Why They Gotta Do Me Like That?

    “Why They Gotta Do Me Like That? The Empowered Fe Fes Take On Bullying” was produced in a workshop with the junior group of the Empowered Fe Fes. In this film, 13 young women with disabilities explore school-based bullying by interviewing people on why bullying happens and how they respond, then acting out common experiences with new solutions. The Empowered Fe Fes demand viewers to consider bullying as a serious issue of discrimination, letting us know that we can work together to both understand the stop the problem. See https://beyondmedia.org for more information.

  • Doin’ It: Sex, Disability, and Videotape

    Doin’ It: Sex, Disability, and Videotape

    The Empowered Fe Fes, a peer group of young women aged 16 to 24 with different disabilities, strike again with their second video production, an insightful investigation into the truths about sex and disability. In the video, the Fe Fes educate themselves about sex from many angles by talking with activists and scholars. The viewer tags along on a date between a woman with a disability and her able-bodied boyfriend, exploring relationship issues of dating with a disability over a candle-lit dinner. See http://beyondmedia.org for more information.

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