[Tom Weinberg video for Silver Circle Award]
Short highlight reel of Tom Weinberg’s career for his Silver Circle Award presented by the Chicago / Midwest chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
Short highlight reel of Tom Weinberg’s career for his Silver Circle Award presented by the Chicago / Midwest chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
Raw tape from the 1978 documentary “Overnight Man,” which follows WBBM/Chicago radio news man Joe Cummings. In this tape, Cummings is live on WBBM radio and frequently cracking jokes. We see him mainly during commercial breaks, where we get to hear him talking to people in the office. “Why you guys coverin’ me? There are plenty’a guys in this business that are great.”
Raw tape from the 1978 documentary “Overnight Man,” which follows WBBM/Chicago radio news man Joe Cummings. Similarly enjoyable behind-the-scenes banter with Cummings in the WBBM studio.