Short documentary segments by Nancy Cain, primarily broadcast as part of The 90s Episode #213. Other segments were broadcast on CamNet.
0:49Copy video clip URL Kit Sibert, wearing a pink vest, talks to the camera about how she believes the question “what do you do for fun?” is so deeply personal.
1:31Copy video clip URL Sibert continues to talk about how riding her bicycle down a mountain is thrilling and fun because of the element of danger involved.
2:10Copy video clip URL A man pants and talks over footage of him riding a bicycle up a mountain
3:18Copy video clip URL The man continues to bike, and talks about the lack of rattlesnakes on the route as it is too hot out. A car drives past him.
4:21Copy video clip URL Jody Proctor asks a woman wearing a tie-dye shirt in a parking lot “what do you do for fun?” She talks about how she has been making crafts and decorations for her room at home. Her friend with her answers the question by saying she goes shopping, to the pool and looks for a job.
5:00Copy video clip URL Two men in the parking lot are asked the same question. One says he golfs, and the other fishes.
5:06Copy video clip URL Nancy Cain talks to Sibert about the answers people in the parking lot gave her. The woman says she doesn’t get it, and Cain theorizes that they gave these answers because they separate their “work life” from their “fun life.” Cain says that she doesn’t delineate fun in this way as fun just happens to her at any given moment. The woman responds that she thinks sports are fun because of the psychological dangers, but otherwise doesn’t understand the other answers. She thinks fun has to have an element of playfulness.
7:12Copy video clip URL A man who performs as “Barnaby the Clown” talks with Jody Proctor dressed normally in his backyard. He talks about how he has been clowning since he was a little kid.
8:30Copy video clip URL Barnaby’s wife is interviewed. She mentions how it is never a dull moment with him and talks about how she goes up on stage with him sometimes.
9:40Copy video clip URL Barnaby shows off a pie in the face contraption he has made.
9:55Copy video clip URL Barnaby plays with his kids in the backyard; one gets water dumped on her.
10:34Copy video clip URL Barnaby applies his makeup for a performance in the car. Proctor asks him if he ever longs for a normal job and he laughs.
11:44Copy video clip URL Barnaby leaves his car and walks to a show, which appears to be a festival of some sort.
11:55Copy video clip URL People at the festival are eating hotdogs as Barnaby runs around and jokes with them and plays with kids.
12:53Copy video clip URL Footage of the crowd playing Bingo and dancing afterwards. A kid shoots a pistol at a target that drops a water balloon on a woman’s head.
13:46Copy video clip URL Footage from the park where the festival is taking place.
13:59Copy video clip URL Cain asks Sibert what she says for fun: she says she “dances to rock ‘n’ roll” music Saturday nights at the Palomino Club. She mentions she has fun when she is “with somebody and laughing,” but often resists fun because of logistical reasons like driving to a waterpark or getting sandy at the beach.
16:25Copy video clip URL Back with the man who is biking up the mountain. He thinks he sees something off to the side and cuts through some grass but it was nothing. The man talks every now and then between heavy panting, and a truck hauling iron passes by.
19:10Copy video clip URL Cut to the biker farther along his ride. He passes by a ledge and mentions someone who committed suicide there. The camera zooms in on him as he talks to himself about why he does this for fun. He mentions that you can find fossils in the area he is biking past.
22:19Copy video clip URL Cain talks to Sibert about people who go to batting cages. She likes it because it is challenging and aggressive, and it’s fun when she feels like a winner.
23:10Copy video clip URL Outside a batting cage called “Baseball City.” Proctor walks towards the cages holding a baseball bat saying this is what he likes to do for fun.
23:31Copy video clip URL Inside the cages, Proctor talks about how the pitching machines increase in speed. He mentions the last time he tried the 70 mph machine he only hit one out of twenty balls. Kids are talking in the background as Proctor walks past all the machines.
24:47Copy video clip URL Proctor walks into the slow pitch batting cage, and swings at balls as he regales a childhood story of an old Yankees pitcher throwing balls for him. He continues to talk about baseball and describes it like a “secular religion.” He mentions a time he took an Australian woman to a baseball game, who was horrified at the idea it could go on forever into extra innings.
27:31Copy video clip URL Proctor puts more money in the machine and switches to hitting left handed, and talks about how he thought sabermetrics were so boring as a kid, but he got back into it in his thirties. He then compares chess and baseball.
30:42Copy video clip URL Proctor comes back from getting more tokens. He walks back into the slow pitch cage and puts more money in the machine. He talks about baseball memorabilia, and how well documented baseball is.
33:57Copy video clip URL Two kids are playing Final Fight on an arcade machine while talking with each other. The camera zooms out to see more kids watching them and playing different arcade machines nearby.
34:58Copy video clip URL Back again to the biker as he continues on his ride. He finally reaches the end of his ride at the gate to a neighborhood. He didn’t get a personal best today, as he was feeling really “watery” on the last mile.
36:55Copy video clip URL The biker speeds downhill as Proctor and Cain film him from their car. The audio cuts out for a bit at the end as the biker stops and the car keeps on driving.
40:54Copy video clip URL Sibert talks about how death defying moments must be a lot of fun.
41:39Copy video clip URL A kid cranks a yellow dirt bike and then drives off.
42:20Copy video clip URL One of the dirt bikers talks to the camera about how a lot of trails have been closed off to them. He thinks it’s hypocritical as other offroaders are allowed to traverse the same spaces.
43:58Copy video clip URL The man helps start a dirtbike for the kid as he then takes off. The videographer films the kid driving up a hill.
44:37Copy video clip URL Sibert talks about how lying on the couch and reading is not fun to her.
45:24Copy video clip URL A woman in front of a bathroom mirror talks about Miles Davis, and regales a story of a Davis concert she attended.
46:54Copy video clip URL The same woman talks to Judith Binder about a “tupperware party” she once went to, where she ended up buying what they were selling. In her bathroom she pulls out what she bought, which is in a package labeled “Great King.”
48:30Copy video clip URL She pulls the Great King out of its packaging, which is revealed to be a vibrator. She talks about the occasions where she uses it, and shows off the vibrator in action for the camera. She mentions the product has one problem, which is she thinks she could become addicted to it.
53:00Copy video clip URL Sibert, who is a social worker, talks about how she helps her patients “drain” their anger. She thinks that the root of fun is connected to a release of anger.
54:45Copy video clip URL A man in a blue shirt gets on a bike and rides down the street.
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