[Santa Barbara / No Nuke PSA / Love Family 8: Ranch]

Compilation of footage of a beach, an anti-nuclear public service announcement, and footage of the Love Family making candles and other crafts.

00:20Copy video clip URL Footage of the beach. Seagulls, kites, waves, people on the sand. 

09:58Copy video clip URL Palm trees by the side of the road. The Evenson’s daughter wanders around with a camera around her neck. 

13:35Copy video clip URL Driving down a road lined by citrus trees and palm trees, small rows of crops. 

16:49Copy video clip URL Two men working in the field by the side of the road. 

18:21Copy video clip URL Inside the car with the Evenson family. 

23:46Copy video clip URL A small crop-duster plane takes off and dusts a field of crops. 

24:50Copy video clip URL A musical performance with an electric guitarist and a flute player on stage. Their song (“I Know a Place Where We Can Go”) continues over footage of the desert, of people. A sign reading “Universal Peace” hangs over an outdoor entrance. 

26:43Copy video clip URL Onscreen text: “American Atomics Tucson” seen over a closed, locked fence.  Voiceover: “Nuclear radiation is no joke.” 

26:52: Dr. Helen Caldicott, Pediatrician, Children’s Hospital, Boston University: “What has to happen for the people of the world to wake up.” 

26:56Copy video clip URL Voiceover calls for Arizonans to gather at 10am on Saturday, Nov. 10 “to call for a halt in the construction of the Palo Verde nuclear plant. Onscreen text: “Caravan Carpool. 7:00Copy video clip URL AM. 601 East 6th Street. Bring water, food, warm clothing.” 

26:26Copy video clip URL Footage of the Love Family’s food storage area, in which a man is sweeping the floor. Bags of onions, containers filled with liquid, boxes and cans. Other members of the Love Family wander through. 

30:44Copy video clip URL Love Family members working outside on a wood cabin. Children play on the swings. 

34:43Copy video clip URL Early morning footage of the ponds next to the Love Family’s yurts. 

37:21Copy video clip URL Love Family members outside at dusk. The sun setting on the ponds. The sun sets over the trees. 

40:49Copy video clip URL Inside a workshop where children are making candles while adults supervise. Other adults are hammering and sawing wood off camera. A woman tells the children a story about making candles. 

52:28Copy video clip URL A commune member discusses praying for help for her daughter’s health problem, which she says resulted in a vision of a visit from an angel and communication from god. 

55:50Copy video clip URL The young daughter, Marcy, talks about being “scooped up” by god’s light and being spoken to by god. 

58:33Copy video clip URL Inside, adults and children listening to music and working on crafts. 




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