Footage of"Taxi" and "Drive-In," two installations from the exhibition "Back Seat" by Susan Milano, Nancy Cain, and Bart Friedman. The exhibition took place at the Women's Interart Center in New York in 1978.
00:15Copy video clip URL A cab driver tells a story about a passenger who left a bowel movement in his back seat. Onscreen text: “This short tape documents the installation of ‘Taxi Cab,’ one of three video environments presented at the Interart Gallery as part of the show: ‘Backseat’ by Susan Milano, Nancy Cain, Bart Friedman.”
01:47Copy video clip URL The driver continues his story. Footage of the taxi cab and monitor being installed in the Women’s Interart Center gallery. Susan Milano, Chuck Kennedy, and others.
03:22Copy video clip URL The driver continues his story, with a jokey conclusion. After he realizes that his now-departed passenger has left a bowel movement in his back seat, the driver finds a police officer and asks him what to do: “He says I don’t know, driver. He says, I’ll tell you what, he says, you hold onto it for 30 days and if nobody claims it, it’s yours.” Footage of the installation, with film of New York streets projected in front of a taxi and a monitor with footage of the driver inside the car. Nancy Cain sits in the back seat of the cab.
04:05Copy video clip URL Onscreen text: “And now, ‘Drive-In,’ the second environment from ‘Back Seat.'”
04:15Copy video clip URL Footage of Back Seat. Inside a car, a monitor displays a man and woman kissing passionately in a car. In front of the car, a projection of a trailer of Rebel without a Cause (1955).
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