Boy With a Microphone

Footage of a boy wandering around a farm with a microphone, interviewing family members and animals.

0:06Copy video clip URL Color bars. Cut to black.

2:15Copy video clip URL Camera opens on a young boy sitting with a toy microphone. He walks around his house speaking into the microphone. He asks his father what he is doing and his mother to speak into the microphone. Some of his words are difficult to understand. 

4:15Copy video clip URL Footage of his father chopping dead limbs from live trees. The boy stands by a lake and talks about the water into the microphone, and then he does the same with his father about trees and birds in the forest. He repeatedly says, “I want Dad,” into the microphone. He climbs into his tree house, and shows the camera the pig pen next to his house. He brings out some of his toys, and plays with his dog.

10:44Copy video clip URL Footage looking out one of the windows of his house. Short shots in and around the house. Footage of the boy playing with a young girl. The camera woman asks the boy about how he feels about cows and horses.

13:28Copy video clip URL Cut to black.

13:42Copy video clip URL Video ends.



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