[We Are Many, We Are O.N.E. 3]

A meeting of residents and tenants rights organization in Uptown and surrounding neighborhoods with representatives of the Chicago Housing Authority.

00:05Copy video clip URL A group discussion quiets down and two members of the discussion stare at the camera. The image fades to black and cuts to a different event.

00:45Copy video clip URL An audience awaits the start of an event for “We Are Many, We Are O.N.E.”

00:52Copy video clip URL Anita Alcantara introduces the guests from the Chicago Housing Authority including Zirl Smith, director of the CHA, Myron Roll, director of the Housing Program, Robert Murphy, manager of the Development Section, Barbara Faulkner, assistant manager of development, Linda Van Neville, relocation director. Alcantara details the many problems that community members have had about the state of their housing and the cost.

03:21Copy video clip URL Peggy Dejarley, chair of the Committee for Native Americans, discusses the difficulties and broken promises that plague her community is experiencing in securing proper housing. 

07:40Copy video clip URL Tran Tranh of the Asian Coalition requests assistance in securing housing for Asians in Chicago. He mentions the growth of the Vietnamese population, and then addresses the Vietnamese people in the audience in Vietnamese.

10:40Copy video clip URL A member of the O.N.E. organization speaks about the problems affecting the members of their tenants organization: overcrowding, disrepair, roaches. 

13:47Copy video clip URL Anna Alvarado from Comité Latino speaks in Spanish. 

15:11Copy video clip URL A translator explains that Anna has testified about her difficulties in finding affordable housing for her and her family. 

16:10Copy video clip URL Yvonne Daniele, Felicia Mitchell, and Shirley Johnson deliver demands to the CHA board.

20:19Copy video clip URL Zirl Smith responds to the demands, starting by addressing restrictions placed on them by HUD guidelines. He then discusses the policy for maintenance. 

25:34Copy video clip URL Smith addresses the housing applications delivered at the event and the policies for assigning housing. 

27:01Copy video clip URL Another CHA official discusses the Section 8 certificate waiting list. An audience member requests a list of landlords who will accept Section 8 certificate holders. He cannot provide one. 

30:47Copy video clip URL Cut to black. 

31:14Copy video clip URL A return to the group meeting from the start of the tape. The camera films the walls while speakers share their concerns about the community. 



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