[Chicago Slices raw: Chess At North Ave. Beach, Puppies At Pet Store]

CHESS AT NORTH AVE. BEACH: Ben Hollis interviews and plays chess with SCOTT PADIAK, DOTTIE RUISARD, and JENNIFER LUCAS. Question posed, "Are you a pawn in the game of life?" Puppies at a pet store.

00:00Copy video clip URL Street construction, downtown Chicago.

00:29Copy video clip URL Kids and their mom at Lake Michigan asked for interview by Ben Hollis. They decline. B-roll of the family.

01:30Copy video clip URL Ben Hollis explains the objective for the shoot: to use chess as a metaphor for life and ask passerby, “What is the best move you’ve made in life?” He sets up rocks as mock chess pieces on a chess board.

03:04Copy video clip URL Ben unsuccessfully tries engaging passerby at the lake front.

03:56Copy video clip URL Ben stops passing cyclists, two sisters from Holland. Interview questions: What is the worst move you’ve ever made? (Taking this bike trip.) What does it feel like to be  a pawn in the game of life? (You get the good and the bad in life.) Have you ever been rooked? What brings you to Chicago? (Our sister.) What’s the best move you’ve ever made? (Marriage and kids.)

06:30Copy video clip URL Ben runs along side a jogger trying to record their conversation. Audio levels drop.

07:17Copy video clip URL Audio levels back to normal. Interviewer approaches lifeguard who cannot talk while on duty.

07:44Copy video clip URL Ben walks along lake front looking for interview subjects. He runs along with another jogger while he interviews: What’s the most daring move you’ve ever made? (I can’t say.) What’s the best or worst move you ever made? (I moved to Chicago.) have you ever been rooked? (No.) How does it feel to be a pawn in the game of life? (Like you’re about to be rooked.)

08:51Copy video clip URL The two sisters from Holland cycle past.

09:19Copy video clip URL Ben approaches man hanging out at lake front. Video drop outs.

10:01Copy video clip URL Stop/re-start digitizing. Interview questions: What’s the best move you’ve ever made? (In chess? … I got a job welding.) Do you think of yourself as a pawn in the game of life? (No. I’m a winner.)

10:49Copy video clip URL Ben approaches man hanging out at lake front who refuses to be interviewed.

11:30Copy video clip URL Producer Tom Weinberg steps in to help re-frame Ben’s interview approach.

13:07Copy video clip URL Ben tries to entice multiple passerby without success.

15:31Copy video clip URL Ben entices a lively elderly woman and her friend. They sit and play chess. The woman notes that Lake Michigan’s lake front was developed by the WPA project in the 1930s. Interview questions: What’s the best move you ever made? (I defeated my grandson in chess. I divorced a crooked lawyer.) Are we all pawns in the game of life? (I don’t think so. I think we have control.)

21:53Copy video clip URL Ben stops a young girl, Jennifer Lucas. Interview question: What’s the best move you ever made? (Going to grad school.) They engage in friendly chit chat.

23:56Copy video clip URL Audio level drops.

24:04Copy video clip URL Audio level returns to normal. Jennifer leaves. Ben resumes searching for interview subjects.

24:35Copy video clip URL Ben plays chess with the videographer.

25:09Copy video clip URL Camera starts rolling in the middle of a passerby’s response to Ben’s question.

26:50Copy video clip URL Video drop outs.

27:05Copy video clip URL Stop/re-start digitizing. Ben and camera operator continue playing chess. Close up of mock chess pieces.

28:21Copy video clip URL B-roll, Ben contemplates his next chess move.

29:11Copy video clip URL B-roll of passerby, runners on lake front, and b-roll of Lake Michigan.

29:53Copy video clip URL B-roll of the chess pavilion.

30:04Copy video clip URL Ben stops a passing runner. What’s the best move you’ve made? (Coming to Chicago.) What’s the most daring move you’ve made? (I don’t like to take risks.)

31:21Copy video clip URL Video drop outs.

31:40Copy video clip URL Ben continues approaching passerby.

31:49Copy video clip URL Video drop outs. Stop/restart digitizing.

32:36Copy video clip URL Ben entices Scott, a passing cyclist, to play chess. Interview questions:  What’s the best move you’ve made? (Marriage.) What’s the most daring move? (Avoiding a 9-5 job.) What sacrifices have you made? (Bachelorhood for marriage.)

37:20Copy video clip URL Camera observes two lovers nearly hit by lake waves.

39:15Copy video clip URL Video drop outs.

39:39Copy video clip URL Video drop outs, stop/re-start digitizing.

41:17Copy video clip URL B-roll of passerby at lake; video drop outs. Stop/re-start digitizing.

42:38Copy video clip URL Staged scene: Ben drinks from a water fountain that squirts him.

43:02Copy video clip URL Puppy dogs in cage at a pet shop. Tom pets a dog.

44:24Copy video clip URL Puppies sign. B-roll of various puppies in cage.

45:51Copy video clip URL Video drop frames.

46:12Copy video clip URL END TAPE.



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