[John Wayne Gacy 2:00 AM Newscast]

News stories from the 1990's, such as the execution of John Wayne Gacy.

0:06Copy video clip URL The footage begins. 

0:08Copy video clip URL A television screen within the program reads “CLTV News Special Report”. 

0:15Copy video clip URL A program title screen appears that reads “Special Report: The Gacy Execution”, with a photo of the infamous serial killer, John Wayne Gacy. 

0:17Copy video clip URL An ad for the Chicago Cubs begins. 

0:47Copy video clip URL An idilic American suburban neighborhood is shown in a public service announcement. 

1:57Copy video clip URL The execution in prison of John Wayne Gacy is announced. 

2:24Copy video clip URL The last words of Gacy are not stated directly, but they are mentioned as having been recorded by prison officials. 

3:18Copy video clip URL Dina Bair is introduced as the reporter on scene at the press conference following the Gacy execution. 

21:44Copy video clip URL Soviet T-Sixty-Two Tanks are seen in Yemen. 

21:50Copy video clip URL The main rocket weapon systems of what is most likely a Soviet Mi-24 “Hind” Attack Helicopter in Yemen is shown. 

31:12Copy video clip URL The footage ends. 

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