Maxwell St.

A documentary about Chicago's Maxwell Street Market, created by Tom Palazzolo with students from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

0:58Copy video clip URL The program begins. 

1:08Copy video clip URL “Black and White” footage of Maxwell Street in Chicago is shown. 

1:27Copy video clip URL A vagrant who appears to be completely insane is seen with a Rooster, as well as having two baby dolls tied to his person, acting strangely on the sidewalk outside of a business. 

3:04Copy video clip URL The footage switches to color, with a large amount of African-American civilians walking about on Maxwell Street. 

3:24Copy video clip URL A vintage Chevrolet Ambulance is shown pulling up on Maxwell Street where a medical emergency has taken place. 

4:13Copy video clip URL A rough looking area of Maxwell Street is shown. 

4:36Copy video clip URL The footage transitions to older, “Black and White” footage. 

4:47Copy video clip URL Maxwell Street can be seen with rough tenements, as well as gritty open-air markets. 

4:49Copy video clip URL A circular sign that reads “Market Bookstore 841 Maxwell St Books”. 

5:05Copy video clip URL A classic neon sign for a business called “Henry’s Sporting Goods” is shown. 

5:31Copy video clip URL Two men (possibly vagrants) can be seen sitting amid piles of chairs, trash, and debris on Maxwell Street. 

5:32Copy video clip URL The footage transitions back to color. 

5:33Copy video clip URL One of the street vendors on Maxwell Street is interviewed. 

7:31Copy video clip URL A store called “The Dungeon” is shown – with a ten foot tall gold and red armored knight statue (in fifteenth century inspired armor, and armed with a halberd and shield) standing out front, is is shown. 

7:32Copy video clip URL The owner of “The Dungeon” is shown. 

8:20Copy video clip URL An elderly woman is interviewed. 

10:58Copy video clip URL Another Maxwell Street business owner is interviewed. 

15:00Copy video clip URL A street preacher is shown on Maxwell Street. 

15:11Copy video clip URL The street preacher is interviewed. 

15:34Copy video clip URL Street food is shown being made on Maxwell Street. 

19:07Copy video clip URL The footage transitions back to “Black and White”. 

20:13Copy video clip URL The staff of a clothing business on Maxwell Street are interviewed. 

36:04Copy video clip URL Shots of the poverty on Maxwell Street are shown. 

40:33Copy video clip URL The program ends. 



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