[Selects from Daley]

This video features segments from a documentary about Richard J. Daley, the 48th Mayor of Chicago, entitled "Daley." In the video, we learn about Daley's upbringing, his rise to the mayoral office, and his influence in both Chicago and national politics.

0:16Copy video clip URL The footage begins. 

0:20Copy video clip URL A title card that reads “November Nineteen-Fifty-Four” is shown, along with “Black and White” footage of Richard J. Daley. 

0:42Copy video clip URL Footage of an elderly male interviewee discussing Daley is shown. 

0:46Copy video clip URL A color still of Daley speaking at a podium while running for mayor is shown. 

1:05Copy video clip URL Footage of a mayoral campaign event for Daley held inside of an old-style theater is shown. 

1:06Copy video clip URL An unseen narrator tells the audience that Daley died of a heart attack. 

1:11Copy video clip URL Footage of a newspaper mill printing fresh papers is shown, along with technicians collecting them to be distributed. 

1:21Copy video clip URL The front page a few stacks of “Chicago Sun-Times” papers is shown, with a headline that reads, “THE MAYOR DEAD AT SEVENTY-FOUR”. 

1:24Copy video clip URL A title card that reads “Dec. Twenty, Nineteen-Seventy-Six” is shown, along with a newscaster announcing the death of Mayor Daley. 

1:32Copy video clip URL Footage of Daley’s brick home in Bridgeport is shown. 

1:34Copy video clip URL Footage of a “Black and White” childhood photo of Daley is shown. 

1:43Copy video clip URL Footage of a “Black and White” childhood photo of Daley in the ceremonial uniform of a Catholic Altar Boy and clutching an open Bible,  is shown. 

1:47Copy video clip URL Footage of a “Black and White” childhood photo of Daley in the male student uniform of a Catholic School is shown. 

1:59Copy video clip URL Footage of Daley’s children marching during the winter with mayoral campaign signs for Daley is shown. 

2:22Copy video clip URL A title card that reads, “April Twenty-One, Nineteen-Fifty-Five”, is shown, along with footage of Daley being sworn in as the Mayor of Chicago. 

3:32Copy video clip URL Footage of Mayor Daley at a Chicago City Council meeting is shown. 

3:49Copy video clip URL Footage of Alderman Despres is shown. 

4:22Copy video clip URL Footage of a “Black and White” photo of Mayor Daley standing with JFK amid a crowd of people carrying JFK presidential campaign signs, is shown. 

4:28Copy video clip URL Footage of a “Black and White” photo of Mayor Daley standing with LBJ at a formal event at the White House, is shown. 

4:35Copy video clip URL Footage of a “Black and White” photo of Mayor Daley standing with Gerald Ford is shown. 

4:41Copy video clip URL Footage of MLK is shown. 

4:51Copy video clip URL A title card that reads, “June Twenty-One, Nineteen-Sixty-Four, Soldier Field”, along with footage of MLK speaking at a podium, is shown. 

5:12Copy video clip URL Footage of Chicago businesses in flames during the Nineteen-Sixty-Eight Chicago Race Riots is shown. 

5:20Copy video clip URL A title card that reads, “April Eight, Nineteen-Sixty-Eight” is shown, along with footage of Daley giving the order to Chicago Police Officers to “shoot to kill” anyone who was seen with a weapon. 

5:40Copy video clip URL Footage of Chicago Police Officers deploying in formation to combat the crowds during the Nineteen-Sixty-Eight Democratic National Convention Riots is shown. 

5:56Copy video clip URL A title card that reads, “August Twenty-Nine, Nineteen-Sixty-Eight” is shown, along with Governor Ribicoff at a podium at the Democratic National Convention. 

6:42Copy video clip URL A “Black and White” photo of Daley smiling and posing with Circus Clowns is shown. 

8:08Copy video clip URL A “Black and White” photo of Daley posing with MLK is shown. 

8:39Copy video clip URL A title card that reads, “Nineteen-Seventy-Five, Jimmy Breslin” is shown. 

12:21Copy video clip URL Footage of Anti-military protesters in Chicago carrying signs are shown. 

13:33Copy video clip URL Footage of people marching in a parade to the tune of bagpipes and drums is shown. 

13:58Copy video clip URL Footage of Daley in an emerald green fedora, standing in the stands of the parade, is shown. 

17:08Copy video clip URL The credits start to roll, over more footage of Daley. 

21:06Copy video clip URL The footage ends. 



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