[Video Class Tape 1984]

Videos by and relating to videomaker Pat Lehman's video production class in 1984.

00:00Copy video clip URL Videomaker Pat Lehman sits for an onscreen interview with a student. No audio.

00:27Copy video clip URL Audio. The student conducts a jokey, casual interview about the Auraria Campus. 

01:51Copy video clip URL A sarcastic joke about the low enrollment resulting from the economy requiring more people to go back to work. Discussion of the potential for the campus. 

02:28Copy video clip URL The campus needing to be one school instead of three. The problems of consolidating. 

04:05Copy video clip URL A joke about the lack of tenure and the campus being “kind of like a high school with ashtrays.” 

04:37Copy video clip URL A party. Adults and children stand around drinking and chatting. Adults are filmed largely from the neck down. 

09:15Copy video clip URL An art video in which men in black t-shirts and jeans are shown in superimpositions. No audio. 

12:30Copy video clip URL The video continues, with an avant-garde sound-art soundtrack. 

21:55Copy video clip URL A white man wearing clothes with Japanese writings and symbolism recites a monologue about the bombing of Nagasaki while synthesizer music plays. 

28:37Copy video clip URL A slow zoom into a game of backgammon. 



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