John Owens

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Description: John Owens is an award-winning media professional with more than 25 years of experience as a multi-platform journalist, executive producer, producer, director and videographer. His documentaries have been featured on WGN-TV, PBS, Link-TV, Hulu, the LA Times, and the Chicago Tribune. His print work has been featured in the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Reader and other publications. He won the Emmy for best documentary of 2014-5 for Kenwood’s Journey, a story of South Side gun violence. He is also a board member for the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, where he is the chair of the Emmy Production committee and the executive producer of the annual Chicago/Midwest Emmy Awards telecast. He is currently a producer for Decades.

Our complete collection of John’s work can be found here.

Subjects: Politics, Barack Obama, American Politics, Chicago Culture, South Side, Gun Violence, Human Rights

Dates: 1996-2009


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