Guerrilla Television Symposium panel 2: Video Meets Art

The histories of video tend to separate the gallery artists using video – Nam June Paik, Bruce Nauman, Vito Acconci – from a larger, documentary-based independent television movement. But the worlds of “video art” and “Guerrilla Television” were never entirely distinct. This panel explores the exchanges and crossings between independent, community-based videomaking and the gallery.

Moderator: Tom Colley, director, Video Data Bank. Panelists: Pat Lehman, videomaker and educator; Joan Logue, artist and video portraitist; Dan Sandin, artist and designer, Professor Emeritus in the School of Art & Design at the University of Illinois Chicago; Steve Seid, retired curator of the Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive and author of Radical Light: Alternative Film & Video in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1945-2000, Ant Farm 1968-1978, and Media Burn: Ant Farm and the Making of An Image; Barbara Sykes, video artist and former professor at Columbia College Chicago.