Home » Posts tagged 'Austria'

  • Rosina Leicht Speaks

    Rosina Leicht Speaks

    Rosina Leicht recounts the events she and her family experienced being forced from their home in the midst of the political chaos and violence of WWII. She describes their flight by horse-drawn wagon from their small village of Lowas, Yugoslavia to avoid advancing Russian forces. Sheltering in Austria, first on a farm and then in a displaced persons camp, they immigrated to the US. in 1956. There, with determination and hard work, she and her husband created a secure life for themselves and their three children.

  • [Busia & Cioc raw #2]

    [Busia & Cioc raw #2]

    This tape contains raw footage for “Busia and Cioc” by Valjean McLenighan. McLenighan visits two of her elderly relatives in their apartment and interviews them about their experiences as Polish immigrants to Chicago near the turn of the century. The close-knit encounter of four women in the kitchen leads to an intimate discussion of the immigrant experience and the myth of the American Dream.

  • [Busia & Cioc raw #1]

    [Busia & Cioc raw #1]

    This tape contains raw footage for “Busia and Cioc” by Valjean McLenighan. McLenighan visits two of her elderly relatives in their apartment and interviews them about their experiences as Polish immigrants to Chicago near the turn of the century. The close-knit encounter of four women in the kitchen leads to an intimate discussion of the immigrant experience and the myth of the American Dream.

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