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    Guerrilla Television Symposium: The People of Guerrilla Television

    A forum for the attendees to reminisce on this golden era of activity, reflect on their (and others’) accomplishments, and remember those members of the guerrilla TV movement who are no longer with us. Recording on Sunday, April 21 at 9:30AM as part of the Guerrilla Television Symposium at the University of Chicago’s Film Studies Center.

  • Tom Poole, Raphael Nash, Steven J. Walsh, Caullen Hudson, and Judith McCray.

    Guerrilla Television Symposium: Contemporary Grassroots Documentary and Activism

    The Sunday, April 21, 10:30 am panel from the Guerrilla Television Symposium at the University of Chicago’s Film Studies Center, which engaged with questions such as: What was Guerrilla Television and how, and where, has it persisted through today? This discussion includes the perspectives of media artists who are working today in the independent, activist tradition, including moderator Judith McCray (videomaker and journalist, Juneteenth Productions) and panelists Caullen Hudson (Soap Box Productions), Raphael Nash (Endangered Peace Productions), Tom Poole (member, Black Planet Productions and creator, Not Channel Zero) and Steven Walsh (Omni Media).

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