Home » Posts tagged 'New York City' (Page 6)

  • [The 90’s raw: Fran and Tak]

    [The 90’s raw: Fran and Tak]

    Raw footage for The 90’s. Fran and Tak, an interracial couple, talk about the experiences of a mixed marriage.

  • [The 90’s People compilation]

    Compilation of clips from The 90’s People segments.

  • The 90s

    The 90s

    Interview with Reggie Joule, an Alaskan Native Inupiat visiting New York City. Interview with Peter Fogel, bartender at the Mayflower Hotel bar.

  • Pick Up Your Feet: The Double Dutch Show

    Pick Up Your Feet: The Double Dutch Show

    A sweet, interesting, and enjoyable documentary about a double dutch championship for junior high age kids in New York. The tape featured mainly local kids from Manhattan and the boroughs, but the event drew an international crowd to the Lincoln Center on 6/13/81. We spend time with the teams as they practice and compete and hear about how they train and how they feel about their sport. The tape manages to simultaneously capture all of the tension of the competition and give a personal look at a number of the teams. Blumberg manages to catch the participants at their most raw and emotional moments, like when a 10 (?) year old girl is sobbing uncontrollably like she had just lost a family member. Blumberg asks her what place her team got. They were #1.

  • [The 90’s raw: Prof. William Kornblum on Times Square]

    [The 90’s raw: Prof. William Kornblum on Times Square]

    Raw footage for The 90’s. Interview with urbanologist Prof. William Kornblum of City University about the history, and 1990s revitalization, of New York’s Times Square.

  • [Pieces from hour III of Five Day Bicycle Race]

    [Pieces from hour III of Five Day Bicycle Race]

    Pieces from the live broadcast of Five Day Bicycle Race, a documentary made at and about the 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City. Most of this footage is from the studio, but it does include the segment in which Tom Weinberg and his cameraman attempt to gain entrance to a party thrown by Rolling Stone Magazine. It also includes a telephone poll that asks viewers if Rolling Stone represents their interests.

  • [The 90’s raw: Reverend Calvin O. Butts followup]

    [The 90’s raw: Reverend Calvin O. Butts followup]

    Raw footage for The 90’s. Interview with Rev. Calvin O. Butts following up from an interview he gave on tape 11140 about his campaign to stop Philip Morris from advertising cigarettes in low income neighborhoods.

  • [The 90’s raw: Tovey Halleck]

    [The 90’s raw: Tovey Halleck]

    Artist Tovey Halleck shows off his iron sculptures and introduces artist Robert Parker and Chris, members of a squatter community in New York City’s Lower East Side.

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