[Halloween Parade 1976]

A documentary of the 1976 Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village, NY, for which participants wear elaborate make-up and costumes. Labeled "Artists Celebrate Halloween 1976."

00:01Copy video clip URL Videomaker Skip Blumberg welcomes audiences to “The Halloween Show” on October 31, 1976 over an image of a pumpking. “The pumpkin will be right back, but first a word from… ART!” A painting by Henri Matisse. 

00:41Copy video clip URL Nighttime shots of New York City from above. Blumberg introduces the tape, in which he’ll interview people on the sidewalks dressed up in Halloween costumes. Riding down the elevator. 

02:08Copy video clip URL The Halloween Parade. People walk down the street dressed in elaborate costumes and make-up. A man on stilts. A giant snake puppet held above the parade on poles. A man dressed as a clock chanting “Stop killing time!”

 06:35Copy video clip URL A brief interview with a man wearing a grotesque “old man” mask: “I’m wondering if you have any advice for us younger people?” “Live long.” 

07:08Copy video clip URL A couple wearing elaborate puppets of a wealthy old time society man and woman. The man speaks to the camera about his wife: “My wife here, she’s of royal lineage! Royal blood! It was so incredibly difficult to find a wife of such great nature. But I searched! I worked my way up through the British middle class and I found a way to it. IT’S BUCKINGHAM PALACE OR NOTHING! WATCH OUT!!!” Joking briefly about the upcoming presidential election. 

08:20Copy video clip URL A costume with umbrellas and black cloaks that gives the impression of five people moving in unison. A line of women with masks sing “That’s Amore.” People carrying flags. Someone dressed as a hairspray bottle labeled “Ozone Destroyer. Do not puncture or incinerate. Not with a bang but with a whimper. Better dying.” 

11:40Copy video clip URL People looking out at the parade from their apartments. The masked women sing more songs and howl. Interview with people wearing masks depicting grotesquely exaggerated smiles about the election: “We’re running for candidacy of the Party Party. We love to party…. We’re on the ballot. You’ll find us right next to Jimmy Carter.” 

13:28Copy video clip URL A cab driver asks about the parade. The parade continues. 

17:15Copy video clip URL Blumberg explains a pause in shooting because of low light. 

18:20Copy video clip URL People dressed as aristocratic vampires. Blumberg interviews one of them, a friend of his named Kent, about the presidential election. “We’re for the blood party.” 

19:17Copy video clip URL Mother Bucka’s Ice Cream Parlor, at 30 West 8th & McDougal Streets.

20:00Copy video clip URL Daytime shots inside an apartment and on the streets of New York. Discussion with a man on the street about the election. A conversation about Watergate and the downsides of a two party system in which the Democrats seem ineffectual. 

22:22Copy video clip URL Riding the subway. A poster for The Front, starring Woody Allen. A man wearing a Jimmy Carter for President button speaks to Blumberg about Carter possibly helping New York City if elected. The importance of the president’s choices for the Supreme Court and ways that the presidency can affect his own life. 

24:14Copy video clip URL Interview with a man walking in the subway station about his support for Carter. Footage of the subway escalator. 

25:27Copy video clip URL Back on the street. Outside and inside West Side Federal Savings bank. Blumberg gets cash. “How’s the money holding out?” “So far, so good.” 

26:43Copy video clip URL Inside a taxi cab, speaking with the driver, a Korean immigrant who is studying to get a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering. He plans to return to Korea to teach. He doesn’t like the pollution, crime, or drugs in New York, but his school is great. 

28:26Copy video clip URL In front of a lingerie store, artist Jane Aaron tells Blumberg, “I don’t talk about underwear on television.” They walk down Madison Avenue looking at the shop windows. 

29:52Copy video clip URL Sherry-Lehmann Wine & Spirits. 

29:59Copy video clip URL Footage of family. 



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