Ha Ha Ha on the Convention Floor

Footage shot on the floor of the Democratic National Convention in July, 1972, including brief shots of Jerry Rubin and Eleanor McGovern. Part of the filming of "The World's Largest

00:10Copy video clip URL Shots of workers building up and preparing the Miami Beach Hotel for the Democratic National Convention.  

00:56Copy video clip URL Handheld shot in the hallway, walking towards the entrance of the convention hall. Walking into the hall. 

02:25Copy video clip URL Conversation with a man in a Richard Nixon mask. Continuing towards the main area of the hall. A man dressed as Uncle Sam. 

03:27Copy video clip URL Hubert Humphrey, talking with friends and supporters. He speaks with videomaker Skip Blumberg about the convention. Blumberg: “The feeling is very much different than in ’68.” Humphrey: “Oh yes. Much better, thank goodness. A much warmer, friendlier feeling.” Blumberg: “It’s almost a revolutionary change.”

04:20Copy video clip URL Blumberg addresses the camera, talking about the seriousness of the convention-goers: “There are very few people with a sense of humor. Most of the people are taking it very seriously, and they think it’s pretty important.” 

05: 20 Blumberg speaks to a delegate from Oklahoma then signs off with “And now back to the studios in Lanesville, NY. Turn it off, Nancy.” 

06:22Copy video clip URL Shots of people on the convention floor. 

06:49Copy video clip URL An address to the camera jokily asserting that there is “a definite movement afoot to coalesce around a third party candidate, Cheeto von Beep, the former Lieutenant Governor of the great state of New Mexico. 

08:05Copy video clip URL Jerry Rubin claps as “one vote for Jerry Rubin” is announced. 

08:12Copy video clip URL Attendees dancing and clapping. 

08:34Copy video clip URL Eleanor McGovern shares her emotions with Blumberg. Blumberg signs off: “And now back to Lanesville, NY, where we see the sheriff walking down the road to find out what Horrible Howard is up to.” 



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