International Videoletters: Tampa / St. Petersburg

A videoletter from Florida covering a strike of women workers for Tampa Maid Shrimp, the Feminist Women's Health Center Collective, the Tampa Guerrilla Feminist Theater, and the University of Tampa's women's sculling team.

00:35Copy video clip URL Onscreen text: “Videoletters. Tampa/St. Petersburg. Taping by Karen and Mary Ellen.”

00:45Copy video clip URL Shooting from a car following behind a bus. 

03:40Copy video clip URL Footage of a strike of women workers for Tampa Maid Shrimp.

04:24Copy video clip URL Interview with a worker about the strike: “We’re striking for better wages, better working conditions, and a better place to work.” Discussion of working conditions inside the plant. 

06:35Copy video clip URL Being on strike while trying to support a family. 

07:47Copy video clip URL Physical effects of working in the factory. Injuries suffered. 

08:35Copy video clip URL The first day of the strike, five and a half months earlier. Local meatcutters’ union supporting the strikers. 

10:04Copy video clip URL The need for everyone to fight for their rights by striking.

10:29Copy video clip URL Walking down the sidewalk. Janis Ian’s “Me and You” plays. 

11:10Copy video clip URL Inside the Feminist Women’s Health Center Collective. 

11:48Copy video clip URL Interview with a member of the collective in which she describes the process by which a woman can obtain an abortion. Preliminary appointments and preparation. 

13:05Copy video clip URL Another member of the collective talks about birth control: “I think the greatest alternative method of birth control is lesbianism, but would you talk about some of the other alternatives?” Women not knowing much about birth control and gynecologists prescribing incorrect dosages of the pill. Women being “ripped off” by expensive gynecologists. Uncommunicative doctors, mostly male. The need to educate women about their bodes. 

15:50Copy video clip URL An interview about the workshops at the center. 

16:47Copy video clip URL An interview about the Body Movement course. 

18:04Copy video clip URL An interview about the center’s referral services and the networks of communication that run through the center. The relationship between feminism, lesbianism, and the wider community of women. 

20:51Copy video clip URL The importance of communication within the collective. Plans for a vasectomy clinic and other upcoming possibilities. 

22:18Copy video clip URL A performance of the Tampa Guerrilla Feminist Theater, an outdoors performance that satirizes religion. “It has been decided that you’ll spend all of the eternity in your very own image of hell as you’ve been selling it to others. You’ll be visited regularly by the souls of all the unwanted children who have fallen victims to your pious penis powered [unintelligible], non-prophylactic propagating propaganda.” 

26:46Copy video clip URL Women exercising in the park by the water. Voiceover about the University of Tampa’s women’s sculling crew as they row past. The team practicing. 

30:10Copy video clip URL A feedback session about the tape. Discussion of the footage of the sculling team and the making of that tape. 



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