Home » Video Makers Choice (Page 3)

  • Image Union, episode 0030: Municipal Mirth

    Image Union, episode 0030: Municipal Mirth

    An episode of the independent film and video showcase, Image Union, featuring a look at the first summertime Chicago neighborhood fests in Englewood, South Shore, Lincoln Square, Cabrini-Green, Chinatown, and Beverly.

  • Street Tape Chicago ’75

    Street Tape Chicago ’75

    Skip Blumberg walks the streets of Chicago, getting those he meets along the way to talk about what they do for a living. Some of the interviewees include a bartender, an Abraham Lincoln impersonator around 06:30, a produce clerk, a housewife, and a prostitute. Plus an interview with Democratic 43rd Ward Committeeman Dan O’Brien in front of the Biograph Theater. Also includes a follow-up with Wheelin’ Lovin’ Al, who was featured in It’s A Living a few months earlier. The interviews have been taped over an unrelated science video about the human body.

  • Ricky and Rocky

    Ricky and Rocky

    An early film by Tom Palazzolo and Jeff Kreines. The two filmmakers use the style of direct cinema to film the Italian/Polish backyard wedding shower of a young couple, Ricky and Rocky. The pair show off their wedding gifts and guests and relatives express their approval of the shower to the filmmakers.

  • [Rostenkowski raw #110]

    [Rostenkowski raw #110]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. In this tape, Senator Adelai Stevenson III talks about Rostenkowski’s power in Chicago politics. The crew has an extremely engaging discussion with Senator Stevenson about a number of different issues having to do with the general state of politics in the U.S.

  • Greetings From Lanesville

    Greetings From Lanesville

    A composite of episodes of Lanesville TV, which was broadcast every Saturday night in Lanesville, New York to residents of a few small towns in the Catskills. The show had a lighthearted community focus, and featured segments on local events and people.

  • [Studs on a Soapbox raw: Skip #2]

    [Studs on a Soapbox raw: Skip #2]

    Continuation raw for Studs on a Soapbox (Skip’s camera). Producer Tom Weinberg interviews Studs Terkel at his home and at Bughouse Square, a park that hosted a free-speech forum during Terkel’s youth.

  • Murder of Fred Hampton, reel 2

    Murder of Fred Hampton, reel 2

    Documentary about the death of Fred Hampton, chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party. The film started out as a simple portrait of Hampton and features lots of footage of his powerful speeches. However, in 1969, Hampton was murdered in his bed at the Panther headquarters by the Chicago police. The event was extremely controversial as the police and the Black Panthers told drastically different versions of the events. The film became instrumental in proving the Panthers’ story that the police broke in to headquarters without warning and killed Hampton without resistance.

  • [Halsted Street TV Show: Dragan performance]

    [Halsted Street TV Show: Dragan performance]

    The Halsted Street TV Show was a video project started by Tom Weinberg and Scott Jacobs. At a storefront on Halsted Street in Chicago, independent videomakers and artists held screenings and discussions of their work. Tonight features a live performance by Yugoslavian performance artist The Great Dragan, followed by a question and answer session.

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