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  • Real Talk: Engaging Young Men as Allies to End Violence Against Women

    Real Talk: Engaging Young Men as Allies to End Violence Against Women

    Beyondmedia partnered with the Young Women’s Action Team to produce “Real Talk,” a film that features the voices of men in their community. In the film, the girls ask young and adult men what a male ally looks like and how they can build the movement to stop violence against women and girls. Using poetry, dance and interviews, this video speaks to youth who want to confront violence in their community. See https://beyondmedia.org for more information.

  • Why They Gotta Do Me Like That?

    Why They Gotta Do Me Like That?

    “Why They Gotta Do Me Like That? The Empowered Fe Fes Take On Bullying” was produced in a workshop with the junior group of the Empowered Fe Fes. In this film, 13 young women with disabilities explore school-based bullying by interviewing people on why bullying happens and how they respond, then acting out common experiences with new solutions. The Empowered Fe Fes demand viewers to consider bullying as a serious issue of discrimination, letting us know that we can work together to both understand the stop the problem. See https://beyondmedia.org for more information.

  • Turning a Corner

    Turning a Corner

    Turning a Corner tells the stories of people involved in the sex trade and their efforts to raise public awareness of systemic injustice and promote needed reforms. Created in a media activism workshop with over a dozen members of Prostitution Alternatives Round Table (PART), this groundbreaking film recounts their survival and triumph over homelessness, violence and discrimination, and gives rare insights into Chicago’s sex trade industry. The new version includes interview updates with many of the participants from the original film.

    Through Beyondmedia’s Women and Prison program, incarcerated women and girls, former prisoners and their families use media arts to voice their stories, promoting public dialogue, healing and community organizing. Since 1997, Beyondmedia has collaborated extensively with women and girls in prison and after their incarceration to create interdisciplinary, multimedia educational forums on women and prison.

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