Home » Posts tagged 'abortion' (Page 3)

  • [Operation Rescue Wichita]

    [Operation Rescue Wichita]

    A large anti-abortion rally in Wichita, KS is part of a six-week campaign by pro-life organization Operation Rescue. The protests have divided the community and its religious leaders.

  • [Operation Rescue]

    [Operation Rescue]

    This news segment covers a two-day anti-abortion protest staged by members of Operation Rescue in New York City.

  • [The 90’s raw: pro-choice demonstration]

    [The 90’s raw: pro-choice demonstration]

    Raw footage for the award-winning TV series The 90’s. This tape features video of a pro-choice demonstration. Women protest outside Hill and Knowlton, an advertising agency that was representing the Catholic bishops in America in their campaign against legalized abortion. They march and give speeches stating their opposition to Hill and Knowlon’s actions and try to pressure the firm to drop the account.

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