Career Counciling for Women in the Arts: Ann Kemp and Sherrie Cutler

Two interviews conducted as part of the series "Career Counciling for Women in the Arts." This tape features TV news cinematographer and producer Ann Kemp and architect/designer Sherrie Cutler.

00:10Copy video clip URL Title card: Career Counciling for Women in the Arts. A women and career options project by Pat Lehman, 1975. Funded by the Carnegie Foundation. Ann Kemp, Filmmaker/KOA-TV, Denver. 

00:30Copy video clip URL Kemp introduces herself and discusses her background. Some audio interference. 

01:35Copy video clip URL Trying to decide what she’d like to do as a career. Trying to become a cinematographer despite being repeatedly  discouraged and rejected by local news stations. 

05:05Copy video clip URL Needing to believe in herself and being determined to succeed. An anecdote about actress Ruth Gordon. 

06:20Copy video clip URL Current duties as cinematographer, editor, and reporter. The importance of getting one’s foot in the door. 

07:34Copy video clip URL The prevalence of discrimination and misogyny in broadcasting. Needing to have a sense of humor about sexist jokes and comments. Developing a thick skin. 

11:00Copy video clip URL A typical day for Kemp. Shooting in spaces like locker rooms where she’s never been able to go before. “Going to work is like going on a field trip everyday. And so the frustrations you put up with are worth it.” 

12:20Copy video clip URL Women needing to do something that hasn’t been done before or present themselves in ways that haven’t been done before. 

13:15Copy video clip URL Being easier to break into the industry in a smaller market than a large city like Boston, even though she had no contacts and no experience. 

15:02Copy video clip URL Some of the stories that Kemp has covered. The exhaustion and trauma of covering disturbing or difficult news stories. The pressure and intensity of covering the news everyday. 

17:25Copy video clip URL The need to find a mentor – “a nice guy with a healthy ego” – at a news station to get a job. A “guy” because there are so few women. 

18:20Copy video clip URL Equipment being designed explicitly for larger men. Needing to adjust and adapt the equipment so that she can use it. Needing a thicker skin and a sense of humor. Needing to work with people that you don’t like, and developing a good working rapport with “giant chauvinists” who are intimidated by you. Needing to believe in yourself. 

20:57Copy video clip URL Title card: Career Counciling for Women in the Arts. A women and career options project by Pat Lehman, 1975. Funded by the Carnegie Foundation. Sherrie Cutler, Architect / Ecodesign, Cambridge. 

21:12Copy video clip URL Cutler introduces herself. An architect and urban designer and the founder of Ecodesign in 1967, she explains the work she and her firm have done. 

21:50Copy video clip URL Never thinking there was any difference between men and women. Finding architecture in college, where she was an art major who wanted to “solve problems.” 

23:01Copy video clip URL Post-college, deciding to become an architect. Going back to school for architecture and for design and working for one firm before founding own. 

23:46Copy video clip URL Being an interdisciplinary architecture firm. 

24:45Copy video clip URL The non-hierarchical method of collaboration in the firm. 

25:40Copy video clip URL A lack of sexual discrimination in her experience. Discrimination largely “depending on the person” and largely coming from men who lack confidence. Finding confident men to work with, as they are less likely to discriminate against women.

27:15Copy video clip URL Competition among architects and lack of opportunities. 

28:02Copy video clip URL The firm’s brochure and examples of their work. Collaborating with engineers, landscape designers, politicians, and others. A flag designed as part of a project redesigning Suffolk Downs race track for Bill Veeck. 




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