Career Counciling for Women in the Arts: Persis Blanchard & Donis Dondis

Two interviews conducted as part of the series "Career Counciling for Women in the Arts." This tape contains two interviews, with Persis Blanchard and Donis Dondis.

00:20Copy video clip URL Title card: Career Counciling for Women in the Arts. A women and career options project by Pat Lehman, 1975. Funded by the Carnegie Foundation. 

00:30Copy video clip URL Title card: Persis Blanchard, Women’s Industrial & Educational Union / Career Guidance, Boston. Blanchard introduces herself and discusses her career and family history. 

01:30Copy video clip URL Blanchard discusses the most effective methods of job hunting. The importance of actually talking to people. 

04:28Copy video clip URL The history of the Career Services Department, an organization dedicated to helping women find employment. The kinds of jobs in the arts that Blanchard has helped women find. 

08:15Copy video clip URL Helping women get their “foot in the right door” when they can’t find a satisfactory job. 

09:01Copy video clip URL Sources of funding for the organization. 

11:05Copy video clip URL Trying to think creatively about jobs that make use of artistic skills and training. Nontraditional fields that require skills possessed by artists. 

12:28Copy video clip URL Some recent improvement in employment opportunities and sexist treatment, but change being slow. 

13:15Copy video clip URL Title card: Career Counciling for Women in the Arts. A women and career options project by Pat Lehman, 1975. Funded by the Carnegie Foundation. 

13:20Copy video clip URL Title card: Donis Dondis, Chairperson / Public Communication, Boston University. Dondis discusses her history, including her early interest in and talent for drawing. 

15:15Copy video clip URL Deciding between a more traditional college and art school. Negative responses from family members when she chose art school. Her experiences at college.

18:02Copy video clip URL Dondis’s first job, which had few responsibilities. Finding other positions at the department store where she worked that could make use of her talents and working her way up to become an art director. 

19:55Copy video clip URL Not noticing discrimination herself, but always conscious of being the only woman in certain positions. 

23:15Copy video clip URL Working as a designer with the Harvard Business School, leading to a position as their unofficial publications director. Working with Harvard. Bringing up to date graphic design to academic publishing. 

26:33Copy video clip URL Teaching courses, first with a colleague and then developing a course that is, essentially, graphic design for non-artists. 

27:50Copy video clip URL Being paid less than male counterparts. Being interested in women students seeking careers. The unsatisfying life of being a housewife and not having a career for oneself.  The dangers of getting divorced and not having a source of income or skills to find a job. The need for women to become “respectable, independent, and self-sufficient.” 



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