[Feedback footage]

Footage filmed off a TV monitor as the videomakers adjust camera settings to achieve abstract visual patterns. Offscreen direction and commentary as they experiment.

00:01Copy video clip URL Experiments with video camera. Offscreen, another artist discusses ways of achieving abstract visual effects with a video camera with videomaker Pat Lehman. “You want to get to a point where’s it’s kinda spontaneously generating patterns.” 

01:27Copy video clip URL Half-joking discussion of vibes as being central to generating visual effects. Increasingly abstract patterns. 

04:05Copy video clip URL Achieving varying textures to the image by adjusting contrast and other camera settings. Discussion of different techniques. Ways of creating shapes and patterns of movement. Intricate patterns. Laughter and excitement off camera, joking about it being a religious experience. 

14:35Copy video clip URL Filming hands, creating kaleidoscopic effects. Discussion of external light sources being incorporated into video feedback images. 

18:09Copy video clip URL A new camera operator. Blurry images.

21:05Copy video clip URL New patterns on the monitor:”O speak to me, Oracle of the TV tube!”

22:36Copy video clip URL Filming hands. Lehman operating the camera and commenting on the images created. 

29:20Copy video clip URL Lehman on camera as another operator zooms in and out. Discussion of whether one’s own mental image of oneself matches the video image. Close up of another woman and her baby. 

31:28Copy video clip URL Lehman operates the camera, filming her friends. 



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