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  • Great Men, Division Street

    Great Men, Division Street

    Jerry Blumenthal presents his video, “Great Men, Division Street.” In honor of Kenneth Green’s book, “I’m From Division Street,” old friends from 1950s Humboldt Park reunite at Manny’s in 2010. Watch this video at Media Burn for more information about the “great men.”

  • Great Men, Division Street

    Great Men, Division Street

    A reunion of filmmaker Jerry Blumenthal, Kenneth Green, author of “I’m From Division Street,” and others who grew up in the old neighborhood in Humboldt Park at Manny’s, September, 2010.

  • Paul Nadler and David Halberstam on the economy

    Paul Nadler and David Halberstam on the economy

    Media Burn presents two prescient economic predictions from THE 90’s that are as true today as they were nearly 20 years ago. First, economist and American Banker columnist Paul Nadler on the savings and loan crisis, a forerunner of our current mortgage crisis. Second, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, historian, and journalist David Halberstam on Republican culpability for the U.S. budgetary deficit. Watch THE 90’s episode MONEY, MONEY, MONEY at Media Burn.

  • Straight Arrow edit

    Straight Arrow edit

    A night at the Straight Arrow Tap in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, a neighborhood tavern where residents from many walks of life mingle.

  • Hooray for Hollywood!

    Hooray for Hollywood!

    Making It In Hollywood Directed by Frank Cavestani 1976 This unique documentary is a time capsule of Hollywood in the 1970s and the American obsession with fame. It follows a few of the thousands of people who come to Los Angeles every year to “make it” as actors and actresses — at their day jobs, going to auditions, and waiting for acting work at legendary Schwab’s Drugstore. It tells the story of Cissy Colpitts, a new young face, hoping to […]

  • New and improved mediaburn.org

    New and improved mediaburn.org

    We had a great week working with enthusiastic and talented grad students Kevin Hoxie and Isaac VanDuyn from the University of Michigan’s School of Information. The site is sleeker, more modern, and more fun to use. Don’t miss the revamped home page and dvd store. It’s just the first of many good things to come. Keep checking back as we grow!   Media Burn t-shirts have shipped! We have a limited number left… donate and get yours now!

  • Pop Video Test IV: Entertainment, parts 1 and 2

    Pop Video Test IV: Entertainment, parts 1 and 2

    “The Pop Video Test” was a joint effort between Scott Jacobs and Tom Weinberg of the Chicago Editing Center, and the Video Group of the Bell and Howell Corporation. This cooperative effort between the independent video community and a corporate video distributor was intended to test the viability of the home video market. The videomakers assembled ten hours of video pieces meant as an alternative to available pre-recorded programming (ie Hollywood movies). Fifty VCR owners in the Chicago area agreed to examine and review the tapes. Test viewers then received the programming two hours at a time, in groupings labeled Video Art, Documentary, Entertainment, and Potpourri.

  • The Good Times Are Killing Me

    The Good Times Are Killing Me

    This video is for personal/educational use only. More info at TVTVNow: //www.tvtvnow.com/

    Documentary about the rapidly fading Cajun culture in rural Louisiana. About half of the tape focuses on Nathan Abshire, “Mr. Accordion,” who performs traditional music with his band and talks about the old life. The other major focus of the tape is the celebration of Cajun Mardi Gras.

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