[The 90’s Election Specials raw: Georgia #2]
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. President George H.W. Bush continues his Presidential Whistle Stop Tour, making speeches to supporters in Georgia.
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. President George H.W. Bush continues his Presidential Whistle Stop Tour, making speeches to supporters in Georgia.
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. President George H.W. Bush travels and speaks throughout Georgia on his Presidential Whistle Stop Tour.
Raw tape for The 90’s election specials. This tape features footage of the press hall after the presidential debate between President George H.W. Bush, Governor Bill Clinton, and H. Ross Perot in St. Louis; Halloween; and election day with Wavy Gravy.
Nixon’s resignation, with a full transcript, and some footage from just before the broadcast.
Footage recorded for The 90’s election specials. This tape features Channel 7 WLS-TV Chicago news on primary election night five thirty to six thirty pm.
Footage for The 90’s election specials. This tape contains footage of the Democratic presidential debate on Channel 2 WBBM-Chicago.
Footage for The 90’s election specials. This piece on the Democratic National Convention focuses primarily on the Governor Bill Clinton campaign and how the candidate’s image is controlled behind-the-scenes.
Two questions and partial responses from the presidential debate that took place on October 11, 1992. The tape begins at the end of Bush’s response to an unknown question. The floor is then turned over to Perot for his response to the same question. Apparently, the question asked had to do with political experience, or one or both of the other candidates questioned Perot’s experience in their response, because Perot responds with witty remarks about his experience: “Well, they’ve got a point. I don’t have any experience running up a 4 trillion dollar debt. I don’t have any experience in gridlock government where nobody takes responsibility for anything and everybody blames everybody else…I’ve got a lot of experience in not taking ten years to solve a ten minute problem…I’ve got a lot of experience in figuring out how to solve problems, making the solutions work, and then moving on to the next one.”