Raw footage for The 90's election specials. This tape features footage of the 1992 Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden, focusing on the debate between supporters of presumptive nominee Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown over whether Brown should be allowed to speak at the convention, as well as continuing to follow the American Samoan delegation.
00:00Copy video clip URL Footage from a newsstand in New York where a newspaper front page calls Jerry Brown a “party pooper.”
00:38Copy video clip URL Brown supporters are briefed in a meeting. A DNC director speaks to videomaker Skip Blumberg saying that open debate and discussion is good for the party and should be encouraged. He denies that one has to back Clinton in order to speak.
23:58Copy video clip URL Footage from a breakfast with speakers including Jerry Brown.
32:00Copy video clip URL A Brown supporter speaks outside the Garden. A delegates’ services representative speaks with Blumberg. They await Brown’s arrival.
38:06Copy video clip URL Blumberg speaks with Brown. Brown says his the demands of his demonstrators are understandable and that he is not a sore loser. He says the focus is on debate and issues that people care about.
41:29Copy video clip URL The delegates from American Samoa dine with Dan Fager, a representative of Chevron. The Congressman thanks Fager for the invitation and cites the ongoing presence of Chevron in Samoa. Fager passes out pins with a convention logo on the front and a Chevron logo on the back.
47:10Copy video clip URL Samoan delegate explains why they travel so far for a small amount of participation in the convention when they do not even vote in the general election. He says it is a reminder to Americans that there are parts of America other than the continental states. One of the delegates speaks in favor of having Brown speak.
53:53Copy video clip URL The Samoans travel in New York. Daniel Langkilde tells Skip about the Samoan culture and chiefdom. They enter the Garden. He says that the chiefdom is not like the Democratic convention, but that the head chief usually decides in accordance with the consensus. He says that some endeavors that falter in the democratic system would be fine in a chiefdom.
1:00:04Copy video clip URL Langkilde meets with a group that give him details about the convention and the passes. They receive passes to a VIP lounge and head there. They get refreshments and food and mingle.
1:12:03Copy video clip URL Back on the floor, a Clinton supporter says that the Brown delegates should give up their dissent and focus on beating Bush. The crowd remains animated.
1:15:15Copy video clip URL An AIDS-awareness promoter talks about a speech on AIDS. A woman gives Daniel a ribbon to wear in honor of AIDS victims.
1:17:48Copy video clip URL Blumberg follows and interviews a woman who is a Clinton alternate and DNC volunteer. She checks in with Langkilde and says that the Brown supporters will likely continue their demonstrations.
1:20:15Copy video clip URL Langkilde says that he can vote for absent delegates. It is a unified delegation so the vote is already decided. An official says that Brown has an opportunity to speak but can only get prime time if he endorses the ticket. The minority plank is voted on and rejected. The Samoans continue to figure out and vote on multiple issues. A Clinton representative comes to guide them.
1:37:30Copy video clip URL A Samoan delegate disagrees with the vote to allow tax cuts before balancing the budget. Even though he disagrees, he says he will vote for it along with the rest of the delegation because “it’s the Samoan way.” They cast their official votes.
1:41:10Copy video clip URL A Brown delegate complains about the vagueness of Clinton’s healthcare platform. She says that platform promises will not be delivered upon.
1:46:01Copy video clip URL Samoan delegates complain about people forcing a makeshift exit and one falling on Sister Langkilde and hurting her back. CNN makes preparations to interview Daniel.
1:41:11Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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