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  • [Chicago Slices raw : Brigid Murphy at Mexican rodeo]

    [Chicago Slices raw : Brigid Murphy at Mexican rodeo]

    Raw footage for Chicago Slices. Brigid Murphy with Mexican Rodeo at 26th / California.

  • [Vito Marzullo raw #44]

    [Vito Marzullo raw #44]

    Raw tape #44 for Vito Marzullo documentary. Rakove transitions. Director Tom Weinberg talks with Milton Rakove, a professor of political science at the University of Illinois-Chicago and author who documented the Chicago political machine under Mayor Richard J. Daley. Weinberg coaxes sound bytes out of Rakove, used as transitions in the documentary’s final cut. They discuss Marzullo’s strengths and weaknesses, his day-to-day operations as part of the “machine” and how the Chicago City Council really governs.

  • [Once a Star raw: Jim Rivera #3]

    [Once a Star raw: Jim Rivera #3]

    Raw footage of an interview with Chicago White Sox player Jim Rivera, who played with the team throughout the 1950s. Rivera talks about his troubled upbringing, his run-ins with the law, his journey into the Major Leagues, and what his current life is like in Angola, IN. Shot for the 1986 TV special “Once A Star.”

  • [#4 At School]

    [#4 At School]

    Puerto Rican Nationalists visit a conference in Chicago in honor of their actions, supporters group leaders speak to demonstrate their support.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: School Board]

    [Chicago Slices raw: School Board]

    KEVIN LAMM, local school board president: Interview about local school board responsibilities, special programs, hopes and dreams for the future. Visit the School Board Meeting, and meet the other members at Brentano School in Logan Square/Avondale.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Cuba Caravan #1]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Cuba Caravan #1]

    CUBA CARAVAN: Organized protest against the blockade of Cuba by the U.S. Volunteers drive trucks from cities in U.S. to Mexico border then to port for boat to Cuba. Interviews with ERIC HAHN, HARALD HAHN, REYNALDO ACOSTA, Caravan Organizer REVEREND LUCIUS WALKER, GISELA and GILDA LOPEZ, JOHN VOTAVA, performances by RAMONE MARINO and JOSE DAVID. Caravan volunteers in Roscoe Village disassemble bicycles, and package up aid to go to Cuba. Then to St. Pious Church in Pilsen for the Caravan send off, dinner, performances, Loading up the trucks. Anecdote by ERIC HAHN about meeting FIDEL CASTRO. Mostly in Spanish.

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