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  • [The 90’s raw: Colorado Rockies baseball, Rainbow Family gathering]

    [The 90’s raw: Colorado Rockies baseball, Rainbow Family gathering]

    Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. The first part of tape is footage of Greg Kurtz at Colorado Rockies baseball practice at Denver University in the early part of the team’s existence, on June 14, 1992. (The team did not begin National League play until the following year.) Kurtz speaks onscreen about the team in the manner of a sportscaster. The second half of the tape covers the Rainbow Family tribal gathering in Rainbow Valley in Colorado. Peace groups from throughout Colorado and the world have convened for a few days on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the Rainbow Family, culminating in a moment of silent prayer for world peace on the Fourth of July. The group is very cautious about the media, and there is lots of footage of drum circles, a hippie wedding, and other such activities. The footage is from July 1, 1992.

  • [None of the Above raw #36]

    [None of the Above raw #36]

    This tape features raw footage for the documentary “None of the Above,” an in depth ethnographic look at non voters in this country. This video features footage and interviews with Michael and Holly Bowser of Morro Bay, California. Bowsers #5.

  • [The 90’s raw: John Parker]

    [The 90’s raw: John Parker]

    Raw footage for the award-winning TV series “The 90’s.” In New Haven, Connecticut, ex-addict John Parker of the National AIDS Brigade illegally distributes clean needles to intravenous drug users to prevent the spread of AIDS. Parker is in thousands of dollars of debt, paying for the program entirely himself. He feels that his program empowers people to feel like they can make a difference in their own lives, which is the first step towards treatment. On the day when videomaker Skip Blumberg is shooting, Parker is also being interviewed by an ABC news crew. Blumberg’s shooting style contrasts greatly with that of the ABC crew, who prefer to set up artificial situations rather than shoot events as they unfold. After they leave the park where he is distributing the needles, they go to the “shooting gallery” where IV drug addicts inject themselves. We learn that the health department has cut off his support and Parker has competition from gay organizations.

  • Bongo


    This tape appears to be raw or crudely edited footage (perhaps a very rough cut) from a documentary about the 1992 riots in Los Angeles sparked by the acquittal of the police officers who beat Rodney King. The first 15 minutes are taken up by an interview with Bongo, an African-American artist and business owner in South Central Los Angeles. Bongo’s comments, which are often very passionate and animated, center on the racist mistreatment of African-Americans, particularly African-Americans i n Los Angeles. The remainder of the tape is raw footage shot in Los Angeles following the riots. Most of the shots are of National Guardsmen patrolling the streets on foot and in armored vehicles. These images make Los Angeles look eerily similar to occupied Baghdad.

  • [Rocking the Boat raw: Bughouse Square #1]

    [Rocking the Boat raw: Bughouse Square #1]

    Footage of Bughouse Square in August 1998. Studs Terkel briefly appears in this video.

  • World’s Largest TV Studio

    World’s Largest TV Studio

    An irreverent documentary produced by video pioneers covering the 1972 Democratic National Convention in Miami Beach, Florida. This was the first major news event to be covered by portable video cameras. The tape is experimental, informative, and humorous. This video is for personal/educational use only. For more information, check out TVTVNow: //www.tvtvnow.com/.

  • [The 90’s: Robert Demella]

    [The 90’s: Robert Demella]

    Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Cab driver Robert Demella tells us a series of stories, zipping from one topic to another. The camera mostly focuses on Demella but there are some shots of the New York streets.

  • [None of the Above raw #37]

    [None of the Above raw #37]

    This tape features raw footage for the documentary “None of the Above,” an in depth ethnographic look at non voters in this country. This video features footage and interviews with Michael and Holly Bowser of Morro Bay, California. Bowsers #6.

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