[AL OP #2]

Celeste Neuhaus's experimental student documentary, focusing on Al Kohn's life and his time after surgery on his eye.

00:00Copy video clip URL Celeste Neuhaus films Al Kohn and his inpatient room after surgery in the hospital. They discuss how he’s treated as an older patient. “They don’t pay much attention to me,” he says.

08:15Copy video clip URL Al is prepped for surgery, one which he will be awake for the whole time. They tell him he will go into surgery in an hour. Al talks to the doctors about how long they work and when they get to go home.

14:52Copy video clip URL Celeste talks to Al about follow-up appointments after the doctors leave.

17:29Copy video clip URL She also explains what her documentary will be about to Al. “It gonna be about you and what it’s like for you to be the age you are,” she tells him. They then discuss his family and estrangement from his children.

22:55Copy video clip URL They discuss his twin brother Ben Kohn. Al explains how they went shopping together and dressed similarly. He discusses when they would go out dancing and how much he loved it. “People were jealous of me because I never had to wait one minute to get a dance,” he says.

34:08Copy video clip URL They talk about Ben’s wife and kids. He says the kids are 50 now, but neither the wife or kids keep in touch with Al, nor do any of his own kids. He talks about how much he misses Ben and his family as the last child living of 10.

38:30Copy video clip URL Celeste asks if Al thinks about where Ben is now. He says, “I wanna see him.” He talks about wanting people to like him and wanting to help others. 

45:08Copy video clip URL Celeste moves the camera to face Al more straight-on. He tells her not to see him tomorrow and “go get her sleep.” She refuses.

47:47Copy video clip URL Celeste films items in the room, including Al’s shoes and the pain chart. The nurses take Al into surgery.

49:41Copy video clip URL Al gets out of surgery and immediately asks Celeste if she ate. He’s very hungry and wants to go home.

54:21Copy video clip URL Celeste asks Al about the surgery, but he doesn’t remember it.

55:04Copy video clip URL They joke about Al being old enough to be her great grandfather with her being 22 and him 83. He asks her about having kids and tells her to hold on to her boyfriend–“he a nice guy you should keep him.”



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