[Chicago 21]

Interviews conducted by students from Ruiz Belvis about a bar that had recently burned down.

00:03Copy video clip URL Exterior of a street corner. The burned-out building has an old, faded bar sign hanging out front. Camera setup. 

00:28Copy video clip URL A student introduces himself: “All right. This is Lil Future from UK City.” He’s cut off mid-sentence. 

01:02Copy video clip URL A sidewalk with “Lil Future UK’s” written on it. The camera operator explains that he’s practicing shooting for his videotape class at Ruiz Belvis. 

01:19Copy video clip URL A police officer drives by in a paddy wagon. The students joke around with the officers: “What’s your opinion about the Puerto Rican boys around here? Are they crazy or what?” Discussing the incident that brought the officers to the street. A squad car drives up. 

02:35Copy video clip URL A sign stating that it is unlawful to enter the corner building. 

02:57Copy video clip URL Exteriors of the building and the surrounding area. 

04:00Copy video clip URL Interview with a man named Baker about the bar being burned down. He doesn’t know what happened but repeatedly mentions a “gas bomb.” Baker says he’s friends with the owner. 

05:24Copy video clip URL A young man who says he’s a burglar alarm salesman claims that he saw a van of Black men burn down the bar, and that Puerto Ricans are being wrongfully accused of arson. He claims that he’s planning to run for Precinct Captain. He speculates that the owner burned down the bar for the insurance money. The image is out of focus through most of this interview. 

08:35Copy video clip URL Further discussion of the man’s plans in local politics. Worries about gentrification in the area. His work and goals to remodel buildings in the neighborhood for Puerto Rican families. He makes assertions about “the Blacks” damaging the buildings. He makes further racist claims about Black people. From off screen a woman, Salma Maria Chavez, interrupts: “I disagree!” She forcefully argues against his insulting generalizations and talks about her own experiences and the difficulties of Black people seeking jobs and adequate housing. The image remains out of focus. 

13:11Copy video clip URL After the woman leaves, the young Puerto Rican man claims that he wasn’t referring to all Black people. He tells a story about being beaten up while trying to go to a disco and discusses working 100 hours a week and being “brought up in a respectable family.” More discussion of his political plans. 

17:05Copy video clip URL End of video. 



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