[Giving Birth: Frederick Leboyer 5]

Footage from an interview with Dr. Frederick Leboyer for the documentary Giving Birth: Four Portraits, directed by Julie Gustafson and John Reilly.

00:03Copy video clip URL Videomaker Julie Gustafson asks Dr. Leboyer to share his feelings about the mother’s experience during labor and delivery. Some image tracking problems.

01:00Copy video clip URL Leboyer discusses the reception and impact of his ideas in America. 

03:19Copy video clip URL Leboyer discusses his reasons for not establishing a school of training for his methods. Not wanting to profit off these ideas. 

05:20Copy video clip URL Leboyer’s first trials with water birth. 

06:23Copy video clip URL Experience with a difficult delivery with water birth.

08:30Copy video clip URL Discussion of the importance of mother-child contact at birth. 

09:38Copy video clip URL The isolation and alienation of American birthing methods that separate mother from child. The importance of the first moments after birth. Leboyer emphasizes the need for immediate skin-to-skin contact for mother and child. 

12:30Copy video clip URL Teaching the mother to massage her infant. 

13:12Copy video clip URL Videomaker John Reilly repeats the questions he asked of Leboyer while on camera. Discussion with Gustafson and Leboyer about the proper wording of the questions. 

16:39Copy video clip URL Gustafson repeats the questions she asked of Leboyer while on camera. 

17:37Copy video clip URL Close-ups of Reilly while Gustafson discusses recent medical problems off-camera with Leboyer. 

18:27Copy video clip URL Close-ups of Gustafson. 



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