[Chrysalis Interviews: Diane and Lise]

Interviews with two female students at Chrysalis, an alternative high school in Chicago, about their experience at the school and how it has affected their lives and their education.

00:07Copy video clip URL Two teenage girls sit on a couch, one of them holding a microphone. One, a blonde smoking a cigarette, explains why she decided to attend Chrysalis. She talks about things going “the wrong way” at her previous school and that, even though she wanted to learn, she couldn’t. The other girl, a brunette wearing a large knit coat, describes unpleasant experiences with teachers at her last school. 

02:30Copy video clip URL The girls discuss their goals at Chrysalis. They both want to know themselves, and to learn something other than the basic subjects of conventional schooling. They discuss learning about sexism at Chrysalis. 

04:23Copy video clip URL Learning to relate to other people at Chrysalis. Their previous schools teaching them to be on their guard and to hide their true selves and their emotions. 

05:33Copy video clip URL Getting along better with their parents thanks to Chrysalis, which validates their thoughts and their opinions and teaches them how to express themselves. Public school teaching students to suppress their feelings, pro-government propaganda. 

08:05Copy video clip URL P0st-high school plans. Wanting to go to an alternative college and to find out everything about themselves. Wanting to help other people and to become a writer. 

09:02Copy video clip URL Before coming to Chrysalis not planning to go to college. Picturing their futures as “bleak” before Chrysalis and not knowing what they’d do after school. On the verge of dropping out of high school, or getting kicked out, before Chrysalis. Not learning anything at school, cutting classes. 

10:35Copy video clip URL Not cutting classes at Chrysalis. Enjoying learning for the first time. The casual, relaxed nature of classes at Chrysalis. 

11:30Copy video clip URL End of video. 



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