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  • Punchline


    One of the many incarnations of Punchline, a show that never came to fruition. The show features people from all over the country telling jokes on-camera.

  • Watch It!, episode 102-3

    Watch It!, episode 102-3

    An episode of “Watch It!” featuring segments mostly about the environment and differing lifestyles. Includes cigar aficionados in Beverly Hills, an interview with New York’s “Wild Man”, a feature on a Caribbean restaurant called “The Islander”, and more.

  • [Robert Sandifer murder case #1]

    [Robert Sandifer murder case #1]

    0:00 Silent B-roll of neighborhood and interviews with passers-by. 12:15 Sound comes in. Jones shoots near The Kohn School, the school attended by the Hardaway brothers (the boys who were accused of killing Sandifer) to find friends and acquaintances who can talk about them. Jones is unable to find an interview subject who can really comment. He later shoots in the tunnel where Sandifer was found dead. The walls are covered in eerie graffiti that often looks like hieroglyphics. 51:30 […]

  • [Spy factory layoffs]

    0:00 Interview with the owner of Spy Factory, a store that supplies “personal protection devices.” He shows us their products and talks about customer sucess stories.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Bruce Campbell]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Bruce Campbell]

    This video contains raw footage for the television show “Chicago Slices.” Doug Sawyer talks to Hollywood producer Bruce Campbell about his upcoming projects. Campbell gives a speech emphasizing his dubious celebrity connections. Sawyer is confrontational, questioning many of Campbell’s claims. The tape ends right after Sawyer catches him in a lie about his connection to Roger Ebert.

  • The 90’s, episode 217: Life In The Grey Areas

    The 90’s, episode 217: Life In The Grey Areas

    Episode 217 of the award winning series, The 90’s. This episode is called “LIFE IN THE GREY AREAS” and features the following segments:

  • [Joe Cummings at WBBM #1]

    [Joe Cummings at WBBM #1]

    Raw tape from the 1978 documentary “Overnight Man,” which follows WBBM/Chicago radio news man Joe Cummings. In this tape, Cummings is live on WBBM radio and frequently cracking jokes. We see him mainly during commercial breaks, where we get to hear him talking to people in the office. “Why you guys coverin’ me? There are plenty’a guys in this business that are great.”

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #19]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #19]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. Continued footage from one of actress Sally Kirkland’s “press” parties. “Making It” director Frank Cavestani interviews various actors and show business people about struggling in Hollywood. Those interviewed include casting director Marvin Paige, playwright Tom Eyen, actress Tina Scala, and actor/comedian Charles Fleischer.

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